Why should i choose Phallomax?
The largest dose on the market!
Phallomax pills are designed for male enhancement and potency with the largest dose of natural substances on the market, the effectiveness of which was proven during laboratory tests.
People taking Phallomax stated that they feel a distinct increase in libido and sexual possibilities (erection and intercourse frequency).
Are Phallomax pills safe?
Yes, of course!
Only people with circulatory problems, heart diseases, and diabetes should not take Phallomax pills. If you don’t have such diseases, taking Phallomax is safe – provided that you take a dose recommended by the manufacturer.
Do Phallomax pills cause any side effects?
If you take the pills according to manufacturer recommendations, use doesn’t cause any side effects. There may be rare cases of sleepiness/sleeplessness or low-degree dizziness, but, again, these occur on very rare occasions.
Are Phallomax pills effective?
Yes, of course – confirmed by men around the world!
Laboratory tests confirm the effectiveness of Phallomax pills and, most importantly, experiences of men around the world confirm that, too. Obviously, we don’t provide specific numbers as a guaranteed value, since the male libido levels depend on individual conditions, like diet, environment, genetics, etc.
How long should i wait for the effects?
First effects already within 24 hours!
We can state that regular intake of Phallomax pills provides a stronger erection and improves vital power including better regeneration and sexual possibilities.
Does taking Phallomax require any drastic diet?
No, not at all!
You don’t have to apply any special diet or to give up alcohol, nicotine, or your favorite spices. It is worthwhile to pay attention to a light and diversified diet, an active lifestyle, and a bit of control in consumption of alcoholic beverages. This will optimize the effect of preparation and will help you achieve desired effects more quickly.
Will i receive it discreetly?
Yes, of course!
Universal packaging gives you full privacy, as there are no markings that could reveal any contents inside. Your privacy is our priority.